Womb Blessings are available to honour the Divine Feminine within us. The Womb Blessing Ceremony is especially ideal for those women who may wish to celebrate their femininity and their journey from young adult at puberty, through to mature, creative adult female and finally to the fabulous wise woman.
Womb Blessings are also ideal for women who may have experienced recent or past trauma relating to their wombs, perhaps childbirth or fertility issues, diseases of the uterus, hysterectomy, termination or sexual abuse. A woman need not have her womb intact to receive a blessing.
Ideally, Womb Blessings are given around the time of the New or Full Moon and can either be received individually or as part of a ceremonial group of women. All Blessings are sacred, non-judgmental and empowering. They are undertaken in a safe, supportive and caring environment.
I had a wonderful Shamanic healing from Arya who as well as being a kind and caring person was also very professional and created a wonderful atmosphere throughout the session. I felt greatly uplifted and much more positive afterwards
Please contact us to enquire about or book this deeply moving ceremonial blessing.