Although they often make me feel guilty, I really admire those people who consistently manage to dedicate time each day… to meditation, to yoga, to self-Reiki, to painting, to dancing in the rain…to doing whatever truly makes life worthwhile! For the rest of us, the problem is regularly fitting in these things, (which we love by-the-way), into our daily lives. Yes, there’s work, the general care taking of others, the school run, walking the dog, the dinner making and the laundry. And they can all get in the way. And that’s life I suppose.
For those of us on a spiritual path, this apparent lack of self discipline, or rather self-dedication can make us feel bad, as if we are abandoning our selves, if not the path itself. A mindful approach would perhaps right some of us, but for me, it’s too easy to spend my day doing what I have to and then feel bad that I haven’t progressed as much as I would have liked. And this can, sometimes, make me feel a little anxious. Of course this is utter nonsense. We do what we have to do and spend time doing what our hearts desire when and if we can. You dip in and you dip out and that’s life. And ultimately, we always come back to centre.
So just for now, I want to wish you well wherever you are . Allow yourself to be doing what you want, or not. You know what you have to do and you will, when you are able, bring yourself back to centre. And when you are in that space… communing, meditating, loving life, well it is so good! But the important thing to know is that it is never very far away. It’s all just there, within reach, patiently waiting for you. And me.
Good luck. Love life, love you and those around you.