Holding Space is a concept that I’ve often indulged in, but never really properly appreciated before. Basically, you enable others to do whatever (spiritual) and other stuff that they need to, without getting directly involved in activities yourself. For example, holding space could involve you watching, guarding or facilitating as others carry out their spiritual (or other) exercises.
But it’s only when undergoing a deeply personal loss that I came to properly understood the true meaning of Holding Space. I have recently lost my mother, but I did hold space for her, sitting in hospital with her day after day, as she slowly slipped away. Whilst I had called in angels and ascended masters to help her, I felt that what she really needed was for me to just sit and be with her, to witness her movement from the physical world into the spiritual. And I did just that, for days and days. It was a deeply moving experience and one of the most humbling, powerful, healing and honourable things that I’ve ever done. It was also a time to feel and experience unconditional love.
So the next time you get called upon to Hold Space for somebody, remember that this is indeed, a humbling and privileged state. I salute you and wish you good luck in your endeavours.