

Clinical hypnotherapy enables people to bring about deep and lasting positive changes. This safe and effective therapy can improve emotional, physical and general well-being. The mind is a powerful tool and hypnotherapy can enable you to access unconscious resources in order to move forward or attain a desired goal. Clinical hypnotherapy can support you in addressing or overcoming emotional, physical or behavioural issues.

Achieve deep and lasting positive change.
Find newer, more helpful ways of
thinking, behaving and coping.

A hypnotherapy session commences with a discussion about your therapeutic goals. Working in a confidential, safe and supportive environment, this enables us to select the most appropriate hypnotherapy tools for your unique circumstances. We work with you to help you achieve your desired positive change. We will prescribe a course of treatment as appropriate, although sometimes, only one session may be needed.

A therapeutic, hypnotic trance is usually induced, although we also ‘work’ in an alert, awakened state too.  A trance is a safe, natural state of focused attention, that is entered into many times a day….Think of ‘zoning out’ in front of the television, reading a book or being so deeply engrossed in what you are doing, that you don’t notice, or pay less attention to others around you. This ‘zoning out’ or ‘focused attention’ is a trance state. By communicating directly with the unconscious mind during hypnosis, we are able to address and reframe old, deep set and unhelpful beliefs and patterns, whilst adopting newer ways of thinking or processing that might serve us better. The power of the unconscious mind can be enlisted to help improve performance and behaviours too.


Amethyst Tiger Top of The WorldAt Amethyst Tiger, we employ a number of advanced hypnotherapy techniques, selecting the right one to help you, depending on your goals. We will always play close attention to your needs and work at a pace suited to you.

  • A solution focused hypnotherapy approach, encourages the mind  to adopt a helpful, positive mindset from the very start.
  • Advanced hypnotherapy techniques such as rational emotive behaviour and cognitive behaviour hypnotherapy techniques  can be used to identify any limiting, deeply held beliefs. Other techniques can then be adopted to help clients incorporate more helpful positive beliefs and behaviours.
  • Quantum Hypnotherapy is really useful for reframing any attitudes and beliefs which you may wish to change. These can include experiences of physical symptoms, such as pain.
  • Eye movement reprocessing techniques are amazingly effective in overcoming phobias or helping people move on from traumatic experiences.


Sometimes change is a long time coming. We get stuck in old ways of being and need a little help along the way. Clinical hypnotherapy can help speed up this process, whilst boosting your own motivation and confidence levels too. The areas where hypnotherapy can help are shown here.

 Hypnotherapy treatments are undertaken in Haslemere, Surrey by Arya Ingvorsen, who trained in clinical hypnotherapy at the International College of Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioners. Arya is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register.

If you think that Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals and ambitions, please contact us for an informal chat.










