W e each have unique Animal Spirit Guides, which help support us in different aspects of our lives. Usually, we may have one Animal Guide – our Power Animal, which stays with us throughout most of our life, much like a Guardian Angel would. However, many people are not aware of their Power Animal and it can be hugely beneficial to be able to ‘tune-in’ and listen to the wisdom of your guide. It is relatively easy to do, once you know how.
Different Animal Guides may come in to act as your Power Animal during your lifetime and it is not unusual to have more than one Animal Guide assisting you at any one time. Such Power Animals frequently make their presence known during a Shamanic Healing session, to aid an individual’s healing and development.
Occasionally, for whatever reason, a Power Animal may leave you and this often corresponds to times when a person feel powerless, lethargic, drained of energy and perhaps depressed. It is then necessary to invite your Power Animal (or occasionally another) back into your life.
Not only is an Animal Spirit Guide able to offer you great wisdom, but they can also can offer profound emotional comfort, strength and even psychic and energetic protection. Generally, communication with them is a transformative process.
At Amethyst Tiger, we will help you to reconnect with your Animal Spirit Guide through journeying and by teaching you how to do so yourself.
An Animal Healing Session will last approximately 1 hour.
Please contact us to book a session. Alternatively, you might like to come along to our regular workshop, Working with Animal Spirit Guides for Healing, Transformation and Self Development.
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