Welcome to the Amethyst Tiger Blog Page which will feature posts on Healing, Shamanism, Relaxation, Tarot and I guess, Life in general. Mostly, contributions will be through me, Arya Ingvorsen. However, I will be featuring guest bloggers, so keep your eyes peeled.
Are you Disempowering Yourself? Learning to Trust Your Own Intuition
In my years of teaching and coaching people in healing and spiritual development, I have found a number of ways in which we allow ourselves up to be disempowered. Whilst there are many benefits to a global society, shared global wisdom can ultimately be disempowering as we give greater credence to the hallowed ways...
read more5 Ways to Empower Your Voice
Have you ever wondered how to make your voice a little more powerful, a little more magical? Having just undergone minor throat surgery last week, I’ve had a lot of time to think about my own voice, or temporary lack thereof. And not surprisingly, I realised, that I’ve taken my voice for granted. But...
read moreAre You Emotionally Resilient?
So what is emotional resilience? It is an ability to cope with the present and look forward to the future, in spite of any obstacles that might stand in our way. It is a state of both self mastery and self empowerment. Emotional resilience gives us the bandwidth to negotiate the future. It means...
read more7 Ways to Ground Yourself for Harmony and Balance
It’s really easy to become spaced out, loved up or so focused on what you are doing, that it’s as if you are living in a dream world, (actually a trance state). All of this is brilliant of course, but not necessarily conducive to practical day to day living or indeed survival. When we...
read moreMix It Up A Little…..
I don’t know if you, like me, like to jump in to new things, learning all there is to know. Perhaps there’s a temptation to evangelise…. This latest thing that you are into, is the next best thing since sliced bread? Right? Until, of course, the next best thing…… Over the many decades of...
read moreJust Take A Little Time…
I bet that you, like me, have little time to properly devote to yourself. I don’t mean that time when you veg out in front of the telly, but when you sit in a quiet space and devote time to doing just nothing. Our busy and sometimes chaotic lives, can get in the way...
read moreAccessing The Wisdom and Healing of Trees
Need deep and immediate healing? Then go outside and commune with one (or more) tree. Have you ever noticed how a walk in the woods can help to reduce your stress levels, or how sitting under the gentle shade of dappled leaves can leave you feeling peaceful and calm? Tree Wisdom and Healing is...
read moreGetting Back to Centre
Although they often make me feel guilty, I really admire those people who consistently manage to dedicate time each day… to meditation, to yoga, to self-Reiki, to painting, to dancing in the rain…to doing whatever truly makes life worthwhile! For the rest of us, the problem is regularly fitting in these things, (which we...
read moreThe Art of Holding Space
Holding Space is a concept that I’ve often indulged in, but never really properly appreciated before. Basically, you enable others to do whatever (spiritual) and other stuff that they need to, without getting directly involved in activities yourself. For example, holding space could involve you watching, guarding or facilitating as others carry out their...
read moreAnd How Are You? Time To Look After Yourself.
I don’t know if this happens to you, but I find it all too easy to let those good intentions shift aside, making way for the day to day business of life. Of course we have to work, shop, make supper, so where does the time for self reflection, meditation and dare I say...
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