The Ho’oponopono Mantra of Forgiveness
This Hawaiian Mantra of Healing and Reconciliation is simple in the extreme, but unbelievably powerful. It is used in those circumstances where forgiveness is required, perhaps for yourself, perhaps for a partner or family member, a work colleague or a place of trauma. It can be sent to the Universe in general, or also...
Read MoreThe Violet Flame
Invoking The Violet Flame is a very simple, but extremely useful spiritual exercise. It is used when you need to transmute ‘heavy’ energy into a higher vibration. What that means in effect, is that this is an excellent tool to free yourself from the effects of anger, grief, depression and so on. It especially...
Read MoreCutting Emotional Ties
Why, you might think, would you want to cut emotional ties? Well sometimes, we need to move on from past events, traumas and relationships. However, we find that our current feeling of ‘self’ is still defined and affected by past difficulties and previous relationships in our lives, even though we might have physically moved...
Read MoreThe Power of Forgiveness
We always admire those people who have gone through some major personal tragedy, who tell us simply that they have forgiven the perpetrator of some heinous event. Inspiring, eh? We all recognise that forgiveness is both wonderful and empowering. It’s much less easy task, though, when it comes to forgiving others ourselves. For years,...
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